Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Greetings From POSSCON

Sincere apologies for my recent absence. Something called life has been happening all around me and I just quite frankly have not had much time to get around to this thing. But let's be honest, if you care enough about my "predictions", you obviously have been watching the destruction of brackets all across the country. I don't have $1,000,000 but if I did, I would give it to anyone with a perfect bracket out there. But, moving right along...

I'm here at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center for the Palmetto Open Source Conference, or POSSCON. For those of you that are unaware of what that is... it is the largest Open Source conference in the Southeast. And since some of you still have no idea what I am talking about, think of it as a collection of business executives, computer geeks, and students all attending the same event in order to learn more about open source software. Now, I'm not going to break down exactly what open source software is because, quite frankly, Google is a damn good website and it would be a shame if you let it go unused. is worth a look as well.

A few of the folks here are... how should I put this? Infamous? World renowned? OSS Rockstars? Okay, whichever label you decide to use, people know them. They are the doers of open source; the movers, the shakers, the innovators, and inventors. These guys had the bright idea that maybe, just maybe we should have a type of software program that is free and community based.

I will be using Twitter to post updates throughout the duration of the conference. However, I truly cannot give you the wonderful experienced you are missing by not being here. The folks here are 110% in everything they do. Everyone I have met here has been nothing short of amazing. From the speakers to the sponsors, attendees to fellow organizers. It's truly a community experience. And that, my friends, is the open source way.

Speaking of Twitter, their Open Source Manager, Chris Aniszcyk, is speaking tomorrow at 2:30 in the Lexington A conference room on "Open Source and Twitter: The Technology That Powers a Tweet". And considering the amount tweeters at POSSCON, that room should be pretty dang full.

For updates and more, follow POSSCON on Twitter. From there, you'll find a few cool people to also keep up with over the next two days.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Becoming a Bar Star

In the past few weeks, I've begun working as a bartender at private events. Bartending has always been something that I felt I would enjoy doing. It gives you an opportunity to meet a lot of people, have a good time, and make decent money all at the same time. A friend of mine has an event services business that supplies hosts with unarmed security and bartenders. So when he called me up and said he needed an extra bartender for an 80's night frat party, I jumped on the idea like a spider monkey.

I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for those in the service industry. I've seen what all these hard-working individuals have to tolerate and so I try my best to treat them with the utmost respect to balance out their day and remind them that they are not wasting their time.

At last night's event I encountered every single person that a bartender hates. The guy who puts his money in your face, the girl who screams at you, and the guy who yells out "THIS IS BULLSHIT" when you walk past him 3 times while he's shoving his money in your face. How can you avoid being THAT person?.....

Today, I'm going to give you some helpful advice in bar etiquette so that you can become one of the better patrons and also feel like a V.I.P. at the same time. Now, it's not going to happen overnight, but if you follow these tips, you will definitely be spending more of your time at bars enjoying yourself rather than waiting on a drink.

Rule #1: Open the door
While waiting outside in the line, do not complain about waiting outside in the line. It isn't the door guy's fault that the place is packed. He has to make sure that the establishment is in within the capacity allotted by the Fire Marshall. If a bar is caught being above capacity they will be fined. Instead, chat it up with the door guy. Introduce yourself and get to know him by just shooting the breeze. Keep in mind, though, these guys can tell when you're just trying to use them. So make it genuine. After all, if you're going to keep coming back... they're going to become your friends anyways.

You may be asking yourself "why the hell do I want to be friends with the door guy?" And the answer to that is very simple. You won't have to wait in line. When I go to Village Idiot in Columbia, I never stand in line. I walk right past all of the frat guys, sorostitutes, and anyone else between me and the door, and I high five the door guy (who calls me by name) and I walk upstairs. The looks that I get for that move are priceless. And it feels good.

Rule #2: Show up early, go home late
Not in the same night, though. Show up at happy hour some days and leave before the crowd gets there. Or show up after 10 and help them close down the bar.

Money makes the world go 'round. When the bartenders realize that you're going to be a trooper and stay a while, it shows them two things. 1) you're going to spend money 2) you're loyal. Getting to the bar early is good for learning the names of the bartenders. Again, shoot the breeze and be friendly. The convenience of not having to yell over the music to tell them which card is yours is unmatched. It's also nice to be able to call them by name when you need their attention. When it's time to leave, say goodbye to them. Call them by name, give them a fist bump and tell them you'll see them later.

Rule #3: Tip..... well
Again, money is a force in itself. If you tip well, your bartender will notice. If you don't... they notice that as well. One of my friends at Village, Elizabeth, works as a server. She had a guy run up a $115 tab. An average tip is 15% of the bill, so the average tip for his would have been somewhere around $17-20. Nope. This doucher left her $9 and asked if that's enough. She won't tell him no because a) it's unprofessional and b) she's too nice. I consider myself a good tipper (20-25%), but that's because I know how little these people make in hourly wages. Granted, some bartenders and servers make damn good money. But not all of them. Considering you don't know what their W-2 looks like, don't assume they don't need your money. Tip well, and they will remember you. Your face, your name, what you drink, and how you like your drink. Hell, they might even start shaving some money off your tab. Also, be polite and tell them they are doing a great job. Have you ever NOT enjoyed a compliment?

Also, when you're buying shots for your group... order just one extra and let your bartender take one with you. They'll appreciate it. But be quick about it. They are there to work, not hold a shot glass waiting on you to complete your "epic" 5 minute toast.

Rule #4: Stay classy
This one is simple... do NOT get sloppy drunk. Keep your wits about you and they'll appreciate it. They can't understand your slurred order and they sure don't need you pissing off their other patrons by knocking them and their drinks over.

Rule #5: When you got it, don't flaunt it
Once you have achieved "Bar Star" status... do not abuse it. When you get denied by the new door guy and have to wait in line... do not bitch about it and give him the elaborate story of who you are and how everyone else lets you in because then you'll be the one getting passed in line. Also, when your regular bartenders do not wait on you hand-in-foot, do not throw a temper tantrum. It's highly likely that they know you are there, but maybe everyone else has been waiting for a while and they are trying to please everyone. You should know by now that they will get around to you as quickly as they can. You could also use your status to help out your fellow patrons. If some poor soul is stuck behind you without a clear entry to the bar, kindly offer to help him/her get their drinks. Just simply turn around and say something like, "hey, I can probably help you out with getting your drinks... what do you want?" and take their money and order for them. 9 times out of 10, you have just made a friend and maybe even earned yourself a free drink. Plus, she might be single.

When you get to the point where they lock you in... (yes, in. They allow you to continue drinking and hanging out while they are closing up.) ... don't just sit there and hang out. Be productive. Ask them if there is anything you can do. Just a simple task such as putting chairs on the tables (after they've been wiped down) goes a long way in showing your APPRECIATION for them. That's really all it boils down to... appreciation.
Follow these five rules, and you'll surely find yourself enjoying the time spent in bars even more than ever. But please remember to DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Take a cab, call a friend, or anything else that you have to do. But DO NOT drink & drive. It's stupid. It's dangerous. It's not cool. At all.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook for updates on new blog posts.

Thanks for reading, you Bar Star, you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Game of Inches

As many of you may know, I'm a sports guy. I love sports. They are a huge part of my life. At any given moment of any day you can find me playing, watching, or talking about sports. It's one of the few things in life that makes perfectly good sense to me. It's cut and dry. You have a winner and a loser. There are no debates when it's all said and done. There are no comparisons to be made once a decision has been made on the field. (I'm getting really tired of this Kobe vs. Lebron vs. Lin HOOPla, just sayin') But I also feel that sports can be used as a way to relate with anything going on in your life. When I'm faced with a difficult decision... I think to myself, "self, it's 4th and 1... do you go for it, or take the sure points with a field goal?" While that may be over the heads of some of my readers, I'll explain. "4th and 1" is a common term used to describe a tight spot. If you go for the first down, you are at risk of not making it and turning the ball over to the opposition. If you kick the field goal, you give up the chance to score more points. Which, we all know can come back to haunt you.

I really started to think about this more the other day when watching "Any Given Sunday". It's a movie about a football team, who faces adversity, and destroys it. I'm not going to run the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it. There is a portion of the movie in which the coach (played by Al Pacino) gives a speech. It's a great speech. It talks about the ups and downs of life and how the smallest mistakes can cost us our hopes and dreams of ever being successful. He mentions that "life is a game of inches". I hear that and I think about how when faced with adversity or trying to reach a goal, we always look at the end results before looking at what we have to do to get there. In sports terms, we spend too much time at looking for the end zone. And instead of just taking the situation "inch by inch", we keep throwing the ball deep down the field hoping to luck up and find an open reciever for the quick touchdown. However, the problem with this.... interceptions. You put one huge amount of effort into something for a short amount of time hoping the optimum results and someone comes in and takes it away from you.

Now, there are thousands of various sports terms and theories that tie into my philosophies about life. However, I'm going to attack those piece by piece, inch by inch. What I'm really trying to say here, is that we all need to focus more on "the six inches, in front of your face" instead of trying to get to the goal-line in just one play. Take your time going down the field and avoid the turnovers.

*For reference (and entertainment) purposes, I have added this link to a YouTube video of the speech mentioned above. Enjoy!

No Gator, No Cry: The Pros and Cons of Pet Alligators

Steve Irwin called and said, "Crikey mate, what the bloody hell are ya thinking? That's a real live gator over there! And ya think ya can just take him back to ya missus and kiddies, ya dumb bloke?" (all said with an Australian accent, of course). This is one of the suggested blog topics aforementioned in my most recent article. It caught my interest for two reasons: it was original, and the girl who suggested it is pretty damn easy on the eyes. Naturally, this would seem to be a no-brainer.... deciding between having a pet alligator or not having a pet alligator, that is.


Along with the individuality aspect of owning a pet alligator, it also may not be the worst idea you've ever had. Let's think about a few of the reasons why a person might want to consider this radical choice of domestication...

Protection - You would not really have the need to waste hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars in a home security system. Alligators are infamous for their territorial mentality. Therefore, any unwanted visitors that step foot into your home would surely be taught a valuable lesson that they will take to their grave. Talk about a watch dog...

Image - Think about the two men that you think of when you hear the word "alligator" or "crocodile". Yes, they're both badasses. Not just everyday, ordinary badasses. But snake-skin wearing, cool-accent talking, not afraid of anything (and I mean ANYTHING) type of badasses. Steve Irwin and Crocodile Dundee are probably the easiest recognizable Australians in America. So, needless to say, if you have a pet alligator... you can consider yourself in good company.

Now that we've covered the reasons why it would be really awesome to have a gator as a pet.... let's play Devil's advocate.

I'm not going into depth with this list because I think they are all self-explanatory

- Requirements for its "dog house"... think about how big an alligator can get.. okay, now double that in both length and width. Done? Good! That's how big of an enclosure you'll need.
- Gators require 8-10 hours/day of UV ray exposure to help digest their food. Think about that light bill (you're not thinking of just leaving him in the back yard, are you?)...
- Temperature consistency is a huge factor for a gator (hence, why they only live in certain places that are fairly the same all year). This will lead to having to install a heating/cooling unit, producing a massive electric bill.
- This is one pet you can't get by with just a 25 lb bag of Iams and calling it a week. Gators are NOT vegetarian. They love meat. More than they love you..... keep that in mind.
- Does not get along well with children. Or dogs. Or cats. Or anything else that is not a plant.

So, that about sums up the factors that should into this decision for adopting a gator as a household pet.  If you learned something new from this article, you have earned my pity.

Mass Texts Lead to Blog Ideas

Well, after deciding that I would begin to focus more time and effort into blogging, I realized one thing... I didn't have a damn clue about what topics to discuss. In order to solve this, I reached out to every single contact in my phone. Mass text after mass text that read, "I need a topic for my blog. Any idea is a great idea. Let's hear it!"And boy did I get some good responses.... my favorites were the ones that were completely random and silly. All responses were greatly appreciated and the ones who did not respond are just lame individuals that probably won't read this thing in the first place.

I really want to reach out to my audience and allow you guys to more or less dictate what I discuss on here. Not to say that I won't have my own personal ideas/topics, but it's just a fun thing to play around with. You'd be surprised at some of the responses that I got for potential topics. My buddy, Mike, gave me a lot of really good ideas that will come to fruition in the near future. Also, he will be making guest appearances here in his "Celebrity Shot" series.

Now, you're probably wondering what kinds of interesting topics I received in response to my mass texts... and being the giving person that I am, I will share them with you. Here is a list of the Top 10 blog topics that my friends came up with (along with possible titles):

10. Personal experiences - Obviously, this will have a different title with each occasion.
9. What my friends mean to me - "Remind Me Again, 'Why Do I Love You?'"
8. Guys using the internet to find dates - "E-Hopeless Romantic" (This is going to turn into an experiment)
7. Why I like/dislike living in the South - "The Good, The Bad, and The Humidity: Living in the South"
6. Finding time for school and partying - "The Art of Balancing Books and Bars"
5. Proper etiquette at bars - "Becoming a Bar Star"
4. Boobs - "Top Ten Titties"
3. The platform that we give reality TV - "Get Real or Get Out"
2. Pet alligators - "No Gator, No Cry: The Pros and Cons of Pet Alligators"
1. Anal pleasure - "Pooper Pleasin'" (I have no idea where this is going to go.)

There, now you have a little better idea of what you can expect from me. You also know that if you want to throw me a goofy (or serious) idea, I'll probably run with it. Unless, of course, your idea sucks... you'll figure it out eventually when you don't see it on here. So, let's have fun with this thing, okay? And please feel free to comment on my articles (just so I know someone is reading it).

There are three ways that you can stay up-to-date on new posts:

1. Add me on Facebook
2. Follow me on Twitter
3. Send me an e-mail expressing interest in subscribing (it's FREE).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

ADD Strikes Again!!!

I have ADD. And at times, that is a really good thing about me. It causes me to be energetic, creative, and fun to be around. However, it also causes me to get wrapped up in a lot of things. One of which, has been unintentionally avoiding my blog. It's been 4 months since my last post. So... I'm going to hit the restart button. Why? Well, cause first of all, it's 2012 and we have a reset button on just about anything. And secondly, because as a citizen of the United States of America... I can.

Since this will officially be my "first" post I'm not going to jump straight into actually writing anything in particular. Let me just begin by telling you a little more about myself. But in a way that doesn't induce rambling, causing you to become bored and never revisit my blog. I want you to view this blog as a form of entertainment, so I will try to not make it feel like required reading.

Name: Hunter
Birthday: December 20
Location: Columbia, SC
Hometown: Prosperity, SC
Born: Greenville, SC (have to represent G-Vegas)
Occupation: Student at Midlands Tech
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite food: Sushi (or anything else that is edible)

Anything else..... don't ask. If I wanted you to know, I would have disclosed that information.

I'm a small town guy with big city dreams. I believe in myself probably more than I should. I have a tendency to do things for people that do not require thank you's or reciprocation. I am a lover, not a fighter; which is good, cause I'm too scrawny to beat anyone up. I say things that will offend people, but I'll never lie to anyone, including myself. I stick up for what I believe in, whether it is right, logical, or I have no evidence to back it up (and I'm not doing research just to prove a point). I get really excited when I see that someone liked something I did on Facebook. And even more excited whenever I get a RT on Twitter.

Some would say that I'm narcissist.... and I must agree. But only because I believe that if you don't put yourself first in your eyes, you're making yourself useless to the world. And that's one of those opinions I will take to the grave. Now, that doesn't mean that I am not a giving, caring, or affectionate person... it just means that if you and I are walking down an alley at night and someone mugs us and tells me that I have to decide which one of us is getting lead for dinner.... I'm not hungry.

Some of you will think I'm funny. Some of you will think I'm an asshole. Some of you will think I'm a funny asshole. And I don't care. I don't say things to please people, I say things to hear myself talk or to see my words on the internet. Like any other human being, I want to be famous. But not Charlie Sheen famous. But more like: "Eric from 'That 70's Show" famous. People recognize you, but don't know you all at the same time. But of course, with my immense talent in being myself... I could never keep the stars from hanging over me.

Okay, so I just got really hungry and I'm not depriving myself of hunger over you ungrateful bastards so... until next time....

Hmm... nothing witty came to mind this time.