Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Greetings From POSSCON

Sincere apologies for my recent absence. Something called life has been happening all around me and I just quite frankly have not had much time to get around to this thing. But let's be honest, if you care enough about my "predictions", you obviously have been watching the destruction of brackets all across the country. I don't have $1,000,000 but if I did, I would give it to anyone with a perfect bracket out there. But, moving right along...

I'm here at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center for the Palmetto Open Source Conference, or POSSCON. For those of you that are unaware of what that is... it is the largest Open Source conference in the Southeast. And since some of you still have no idea what I am talking about, think of it as a collection of business executives, computer geeks, and students all attending the same event in order to learn more about open source software. Now, I'm not going to break down exactly what open source software is because, quite frankly, Google is a damn good website and it would be a shame if you let it go unused. is worth a look as well.

A few of the folks here are... how should I put this? Infamous? World renowned? OSS Rockstars? Okay, whichever label you decide to use, people know them. They are the doers of open source; the movers, the shakers, the innovators, and inventors. These guys had the bright idea that maybe, just maybe we should have a type of software program that is free and community based.

I will be using Twitter to post updates throughout the duration of the conference. However, I truly cannot give you the wonderful experienced you are missing by not being here. The folks here are 110% in everything they do. Everyone I have met here has been nothing short of amazing. From the speakers to the sponsors, attendees to fellow organizers. It's truly a community experience. And that, my friends, is the open source way.

Speaking of Twitter, their Open Source Manager, Chris Aniszcyk, is speaking tomorrow at 2:30 in the Lexington A conference room on "Open Source and Twitter: The Technology That Powers a Tweet". And considering the amount tweeters at POSSCON, that room should be pretty dang full.

For updates and more, follow POSSCON on Twitter. From there, you'll find a few cool people to also keep up with over the next two days.

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