Thursday, February 23, 2012

ADD Strikes Again!!!

I have ADD. And at times, that is a really good thing about me. It causes me to be energetic, creative, and fun to be around. However, it also causes me to get wrapped up in a lot of things. One of which, has been unintentionally avoiding my blog. It's been 4 months since my last post. So... I'm going to hit the restart button. Why? Well, cause first of all, it's 2012 and we have a reset button on just about anything. And secondly, because as a citizen of the United States of America... I can.

Since this will officially be my "first" post I'm not going to jump straight into actually writing anything in particular. Let me just begin by telling you a little more about myself. But in a way that doesn't induce rambling, causing you to become bored and never revisit my blog. I want you to view this blog as a form of entertainment, so I will try to not make it feel like required reading.

Name: Hunter
Birthday: December 20
Location: Columbia, SC
Hometown: Prosperity, SC
Born: Greenville, SC (have to represent G-Vegas)
Occupation: Student at Midlands Tech
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite food: Sushi (or anything else that is edible)

Anything else..... don't ask. If I wanted you to know, I would have disclosed that information.

I'm a small town guy with big city dreams. I believe in myself probably more than I should. I have a tendency to do things for people that do not require thank you's or reciprocation. I am a lover, not a fighter; which is good, cause I'm too scrawny to beat anyone up. I say things that will offend people, but I'll never lie to anyone, including myself. I stick up for what I believe in, whether it is right, logical, or I have no evidence to back it up (and I'm not doing research just to prove a point). I get really excited when I see that someone liked something I did on Facebook. And even more excited whenever I get a RT on Twitter.

Some would say that I'm narcissist.... and I must agree. But only because I believe that if you don't put yourself first in your eyes, you're making yourself useless to the world. And that's one of those opinions I will take to the grave. Now, that doesn't mean that I am not a giving, caring, or affectionate person... it just means that if you and I are walking down an alley at night and someone mugs us and tells me that I have to decide which one of us is getting lead for dinner.... I'm not hungry.

Some of you will think I'm funny. Some of you will think I'm an asshole. Some of you will think I'm a funny asshole. And I don't care. I don't say things to please people, I say things to hear myself talk or to see my words on the internet. Like any other human being, I want to be famous. But not Charlie Sheen famous. But more like: "Eric from 'That 70's Show" famous. People recognize you, but don't know you all at the same time. But of course, with my immense talent in being myself... I could never keep the stars from hanging over me.

Okay, so I just got really hungry and I'm not depriving myself of hunger over you ungrateful bastards so... until next time....

Hmm... nothing witty came to mind this time.

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