Friday, February 24, 2012

Mass Texts Lead to Blog Ideas

Well, after deciding that I would begin to focus more time and effort into blogging, I realized one thing... I didn't have a damn clue about what topics to discuss. In order to solve this, I reached out to every single contact in my phone. Mass text after mass text that read, "I need a topic for my blog. Any idea is a great idea. Let's hear it!"And boy did I get some good responses.... my favorites were the ones that were completely random and silly. All responses were greatly appreciated and the ones who did not respond are just lame individuals that probably won't read this thing in the first place.

I really want to reach out to my audience and allow you guys to more or less dictate what I discuss on here. Not to say that I won't have my own personal ideas/topics, but it's just a fun thing to play around with. You'd be surprised at some of the responses that I got for potential topics. My buddy, Mike, gave me a lot of really good ideas that will come to fruition in the near future. Also, he will be making guest appearances here in his "Celebrity Shot" series.

Now, you're probably wondering what kinds of interesting topics I received in response to my mass texts... and being the giving person that I am, I will share them with you. Here is a list of the Top 10 blog topics that my friends came up with (along with possible titles):

10. Personal experiences - Obviously, this will have a different title with each occasion.
9. What my friends mean to me - "Remind Me Again, 'Why Do I Love You?'"
8. Guys using the internet to find dates - "E-Hopeless Romantic" (This is going to turn into an experiment)
7. Why I like/dislike living in the South - "The Good, The Bad, and The Humidity: Living in the South"
6. Finding time for school and partying - "The Art of Balancing Books and Bars"
5. Proper etiquette at bars - "Becoming a Bar Star"
4. Boobs - "Top Ten Titties"
3. The platform that we give reality TV - "Get Real or Get Out"
2. Pet alligators - "No Gator, No Cry: The Pros and Cons of Pet Alligators"
1. Anal pleasure - "Pooper Pleasin'" (I have no idea where this is going to go.)

There, now you have a little better idea of what you can expect from me. You also know that if you want to throw me a goofy (or serious) idea, I'll probably run with it. Unless, of course, your idea sucks... you'll figure it out eventually when you don't see it on here. So, let's have fun with this thing, okay? And please feel free to comment on my articles (just so I know someone is reading it).

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